Your organisation captures and stores large amounts of data: customer, supplier, procurement, life of assets, technical, operational, project specific, etc. However, often this data is ‘hidden’ in database systems that are not easily accessible, unconnected and don’t provide the tools and methods to analyse the data. A Numerical Model is a low cost analytical tool to run simulations of existing and alternative scenarios to gain insight to: optimise processes, aid decision making and help drive the organisation forward.

What can your organisation’s and global data tell you?

Organisations used to be able to be run on the knowledge and experience alone that was held by the individuals that led it, but to achieve today’s goals that needs to be supported by information that can be extracted from your data and external data accessible globally using appropriate algorithms. Today’s challenges are often impossible to visualise and assess in just a simple spreadsheet. A well-constructed Numerical Model with Simulation capabilities offer significant advantages to enable the organisation to advance or change course with confidence.
Using a Numerical Model to undertake Simulations is superior to having just people’s view and thoughts alone captured in numbers. This use to be expensive and the domain of specific processes, but now with readily available tools a Numerical Model can be applied to Simulate almost any operation leading to options or supporting decisions.

What can Numerical Modelling do for you?

Numerical Models used to conduct Simulations can help you advance your organisation in many ways, ultimately leading to more cost-efficient operations and the ability to deliver to your customers while building rapport within the organisation and those that support it. Some examples of what we can help with:

  • Simulate a Project or Operation Process before implementation to determine risks and hidden opportunities.
  • Benchmarking – to compare within operations and external performance.
  • Identify Processes for Improvement/Change/Removal
  • Identify poor Compliance and Methods of Improvement
  • Optimise Asset Utilisation with Life Cycle Evaluation
  • Explore Impact of Change, ‘What ifs’

How do we achieve this?

Through an iterative process of the following stages, we create a Model based on your data, external data and appropriate algorithms to run intelligent simulations:

  • Identify and collect Internal Organisation Data and External Datasets
  • Identify ‘missing’ Information and gather it
  • Structure and refine the Data for supporting Modelling
  • Undertake Exploratory Analysis to learn from the Data
  • Apply and develop Modelling Algorithms calibrated with the Data
  • Run Simulations with the Models geared towards Understanding and Optimisation
  • Use the Results to improve Systems, Tools and Teams

How do we operate?

We are focused helping you use Numerical Modelling to unlock from your data the ways to move your organisation forward. Each of the stages above we can undertake directly for you or as a technical support role for your organisation developing its own skills.